FUM Transport Service

FUM Transport Service

Our family-run business has a long tradition in the industry. It is founded on 35 plus years in Transport & Logistics. We pride ourselves on providing outstanding customer service to guarantee that all our clients are 100% satisfied.
Man & Van Service
Full & Part House Moves
Small and Medium Business Moves
Single Household Items
House & Business Clearance
Bought Something off Facebook Market Place
Hot Shots and Emergency Collections
Store to Door
Anything else please just ask us
Waste Service
We are fully licensed and registered to collect and dispose of both Household & Business waste.
SEPA Registration WCR/R/3011184
Clearwaste Trusted Trader
Haulage Service
Let us be your partner for those last mile collection & deliveries.
Last minute customer pallets, out of gauge emergency pick up and deliveries.

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