Mutts on the Moor

Mutts on the Moor Mutts on the Moor Mutts on the Moor Mutts on the Moor

Hello, and welcome to Mutts on the Moor. A secure just over an acre dog exercise field where you can book out solely for you and your dogs.

Set in South Brent, at the edge of Dartmoor, we have over 6-foot secure fencing all around with stunning views heading out to the moor.

Having worked with dogs myself for 10 years, we have wanted to make this large space to cater for all your canine needs. We have tunnels, a sand pit and a pond which uses natural water from the stream on the other side of the field. There is also a water trough using fresh water from the stream and for the humans, a shelter and bench to rest on whilst your dogs love exploring somewhere exciting and enriching.

Parking is through the field gate for extra safety.

Mutts on the Moor is perfect for teaching recall without distractions, if your dogs are just that little unsure of other dogs they can run around freely without feeling worried or you just want somewhere new to explore without meeting other people or dogs.

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